The Last Supper
Illustration as the theme of The Last Supper. Exploration of a new color palette, textures (hatching) and shading.
This artwork is the result of what I developed in a course that proposed the use of a determined color palette. To get new colors I would have to mix the colors already present in it, making overlays and digital blends.
I chose as themes foods from Ancient Times and the Last Supper. The whole process resulted in this illustration!
See the creation process below!
The Last Supper – Brainstorming Sketches
I had already chosen the Last Supper as my subject, so I started by making some sketches to explore what angle and composition would look most interesting. I chose this sketch that appears below.
The Last Supper – Chosen Sketch
So I fleshed out this idea further in a digital sketch.
The Last Supper – Digital Sketch
Creating the final line of the drawing.
To complete the composition, I used some objects that I had previously drawn in another exercise.
Food and utensils from the Ancient Age
I enjoyed using hatching and transparency effects to simulate shadows and interesting textures.
To complete this work, I simulated how it could be printed in a book. Check it out!
The Last Supper – Softcover Book Mockup
Thanks for watching!