Snowing in the forest

3D scenery features a pine forest covered in snow and snowing.

    • Cartoon, Landscape, Nature
    • Blender
    • Personal project inspired by the Revolution School “Blender Marathon: Winter 2023” exercise.
    • 3D modelation, 3D scenery, forest, illustration, snowing

3D modeling in Blender.


Snowing in the forest - 1Snowing in the forest – 1


Snowing in the forest - 2Snowing in the forest – 2


Snowing in the forest - 3Snowing in the forest – 3


I briefly present the process of this work through the following two images.


Camera 3 PreviewCamera 3 Preview


Tree ModelTree Model

Finally, after generating the images, I thought about doing a simulation of what it would be like to apply one of the illustrations in a book. See below!

Art application on square brochure book (mockup)

Thank’s for watch!

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