The Saga of the Piggy Bank

3D modeling and animations of a piggy bank.

    • Cartoon, Character, Fantasy, Object, Portfolio
    • 3ds Max, After Effects
    • Personal Project
    • 3D animation, 3D modelation, animation, funny, illustration, imagination, Piggy Bank
Originally, 3D modeling of a piggy bank (then I also produced some animations).
It was one of the exercises of the Technical Course in Computer Graphics.
These first five I tested different textures – check them out below!


Plastic Piggy Bank

Plastic Piggy Bank


Clear Plastic Piggy Bank

Clear Plastic Piggy Bank


Ceramic Piggy BankCeramic Piggy Bank


Clear Glass Piggy BankClear Glass Piggy Bank


Frosted Glass Piggy BankFrosted Glass Piggy Bank


In the following image, I tried customizing by putting a ribbon and a tie.


Piggy Banks – test the textures of the ribbon and tiePiggy Banks – test the textures of the ribbon and tie

So I started creating small animations with the Piggy Banks, testing some special effects. Check out this series below!

Saving in the Piggy Bank


Piggy Bank catches fire!!!


Does Piggy Bank break?


Piggy Bank plays ball!


Piggy Banks in love!


I hope that you enjoyed!

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